Efficiently processes any pump-able food product requiring heating, cooling, blending, mixing, browning, braising and more.
Fully insulated cone bottom and sidewalls
Product contact surfaces available in type 304 or 316 stainless steel
Unique three element agitation system including large, curved, stationary baffle, high-speed counter-rotating tri-blade agitator, and 360° sweep agitator with nylon or UHMW scraper blades
Independently controlled tri-blade and scraper agitators
Four component heavy-duty agitator drive assemblies
Two piece hinged (and removable) covers with lifting handles
Full draining manual or air-operated product outlet valves available
Standard working capacities of 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 gallons
The scraped surface agitation together with the high ratio of surface to product volume, provided by the 30° cone bottom design, maximizes thermal transfer rates in both heating and cooling modes. Additionally, the selection of only the most rugged and durable agitator drive components promise many years of low maintenance, trouble-free service.
Other CJ services and manufacturing include: No charge loaner unit program, product testing facilities, timeline studies, recipe development, control instrument enclosures, support services design, and on-site field support.
Bakeries: Cream and fruit based pie fillings, custards, pie and cake batter, icings, etc.
Confectioneries: Caramels, fillings, nougats, fondants, syrups, toppings, fudge, etc.
Commissaries & Kitchens: Soups, gravies, sauces, pastry fillings, stews, puddings, chili, taco and meat pie fillings, etc.
General: All pumpable food products.

For complete information on Cooker-Cooler types, capacities, dimensions and more, click on the link to our catalog section below.

Cooker-Cooler Loaner Program & Testing Facility
Have an idea for a new food product, but don’t know how to test it in a full-scale production batch? Want to learn how to manufacture rather than cook? The Chester-Jensen Cooker-Cooler is the most versatile product available today for cooking, holding, simmering, sautéing, browning, braising, mixing, melting, cooling and superblending any pumpable food product. We provide two opportunities for you to prove its capabilities for yourself...on your own product.
Our Model 70N10, complete with control panel, is available free of charge for a period of 30 days. This unit has a nominal working capacity of 100 gallons and a full volume capacity of 206 gallons. Our customers have found this size to be ideal for development of new recipes and/or testing of prototype products. Please contact us for complete details.
Chester-Jensen, in conjunction with IPAC, Inc. of Winter Springs, FL, has established a program for recipe development and “test” production runs of new food products. The facility utilizes a Model 70N10 Cooker-Cooler to allow batch sizes from approximately 50 gallons up to 150 gallons. With the assistance of Mr. Paul Adamission, Food Technologist, your formula can be refined to insure minimal “scale-up” problems leading to product manufacturing. Once confidentiality requirements are established, it's easy to set a schedule, ship your ingredients and come to Florida to watch your product come to life.

70N10 Loaner Cooker-Cooler